In ready mix concrete, the specialized material such as Cement, Aggregates and other ingredient are used. The materials are well batched at the plant and then transported to the site with the help of mixer trucks.
The life of fresh concrete is 2-3 h before it must be placed at the site. The RMC replaced the concrete mixing on site. Now concrete was mixed with batching plants and then transported to the site.
The Authority and Engineer will satisfied with RMC if
1: The supply complies with the specification for fresh and hardened concrete.
2: The total cost of concrete (Supply, Handling, Placing) should be economical.
3: The quantities are correct.
4: The workability of concrete was correct.
5: The delivery of RMC was always on time.
Advantages of RMC:
1: Reduction in wastage of materials.
2: RMC is Eco-Friendly.
3: The documentation of the mix design was reached.
4: Easier admixture addition.
5: Eliminate the space need for materials storage.
6: Faster the construction speed.
7: The durability of concrete was received.
8: Uniform and assured quantity throughout.
Read also:- https://www.civilclick.com/how-to-calculate-the-quantity-of-steel-in-column-bbs/
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