Top 20 Civil engineering Mcqs and Answers
|In this Top 20 civil engineering Mcqs and Answers, we cover all the important and mostly asked MCQs during examinations. This is also very important for fresh civil engineers to increase their existing knowledge.
Civil Engineering MCQ’s and Answers:
1: Concrete mainly consist of
- Binding material
- Aggregate
- Water
- All of these
Answer:- 4: All of these
2: The difference in Plain concrete and reinforced concrete is due to
- Water content
- Strength
- Reinforcement
- Cement
Answer:- 3: Reinforcement
3: In simply supported beam the point where shear force is zero, the bending moment will be
- Maximum
- Minimum
- Zero
- Negative
Answer:- 1. Maximum
4: Aggregate entirely passing sieve number 4 is
- Coarse
- Fine
- Combination of a & b
- Organic
Answer:- 4. Organic
5: Pipes are suitable for alkali and alkaline water
- Plastic
- Copper
- Steel
- None
Answer:- 1. Plastic
6: Recommended PH value of potable water is
- 6.5 to 86.5 to 8
- 9 to 8
- 0
- 14
Answer:- 1. 6.5 to 86.5 to 8
7: Measuring unit of cement concrete is
- Cft
- Sft
- Rft
- Ft
Answer:- 1. Cft
8: Dry mortar required for 100 cft brickwork is
- 25 Cft
- 30 Cft
- 35 Cft
- 40 Cft
Answer:- 1. 30 Cft
9: 1 sq.m is equal to
- 10.76 sft
- 11.66 sft
- 13 sft
- 14 sft
Answer:- 1. 10.76 sft
10: 1 cum is equal to
- 30 cft
- 35.319 cft
- 40.5 cft
- 37.2 cft
Answer:- 2. 35.319 cft
11: Finesse of cement effects
- Rate of hydration
- Rate of sitting
- Rate of hardening
- All of these
Answer:- 4. All of these
12: In the case of the simply supported beam, Bending moment is maximum at
- Support
- Center
- Near support
- None of these
Answer:- 2. Center
13: Long column fails due to
- Crushing
- Bending
- Buckling
- Slipping
Answer:- 3. Bulking
14: Shear stresses at the extreme fibers of the beam section is
- Maximum
- Minimum
- Zero
- 3/2 of average
Answer:- 3. Zero
15: The value of strength reduction factor for flexure beam design is
- 0.9
- 0.67
- 0.10
- 0.1
Answer:- 1. 0.9
16: Bending stress below the neutral axis of a cantilever beam is
- Tensile
- Compressive
- Zero
- Maximum
Answer:- 2. Compressive
17: Bending stress at neutral axis of the beam is
- Maximum
- Minimum
- Zero
- None of these
Answer:- 3. Zero
18: The area of #8 bar is
- 0.79 in2
- 0.79 in
- 1 in
- 1 in2
Answer:- 1.0.79 in2
19: Weight per unit volume of liquid is called
- The specific weight
- Specific volume
- Specific gravity
- None
Answer:- 1. Specific Weight
20: By increasing the volume of water in concrete
- Its strength will decrease
- Its strength will increase
- Workability decreases
- None
Answer:- 1. Its strength will decrease
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