Curing of Concrete – Its 3 [Methods & Procedures]
|Curing concrete is the method to protect against loss of moisture required for hydration and kept within the recommended temperature range, and curing fresh wet concrete is allowed to complete its reaction to attain its planned strength.
Curing of concrete will increase the strength and decrease the permeability of hardened concrete and maintain the moisture and temperature conditions of concrete for hydration reaction. As a result of the chemical reaction between cementitious materials and water, concrete sets and hardens and to develop the desire properties of the concrete curing process, maintain temperature and moisture conditions.
Moisture, heat, and time for the curing process are the main components that need to take care of, and the curing of concrete helps mitigate thermal and plastic cracks, which can impact the durability of the structure.
![Curing of Concrete - Its 3 [Methods & Procedures] 1 curing of concrete](
It is important to take steps to retain the water inside the concrete for 21 days. Other ways of retaining the water are by covering the beam or column with a plastic sheet or gunny bags for keeping it wet for 24 hours, and the time to start curing of concrete depends on the evaporation rate of moisture from concrete and evaporation rate influenced by wind, radiant energy from sunlight, climate conditions and concrete temperature.
When To Start Curing Of Concrete:
After its setting, water is applied for few days over a concrete surface for the hydration reactions b/w cement and water, due to which hardening of the concrete takes place and gives it good strength.
Procedure Of Curing Concrete:
To the surface of concrete, curing is done by draining water, and for this purpose, a water cooler that five centigrade should not be used.
Using cold water like this may lead to cracking and also alternate drying and wetting on concrete surfaces.
Methods Of Curing Concrete:
Depending on the type of structure and material parameters, different types of curing methods are adopted, such as;
Water Curing Of Concrete:
By wetting the exposed surface of the concrete water, curing prevents the water loss from the concrete surface and ensures that the concrete surface is continuously moist. The water curing of concrete is done by spraying water or curing agents over the concrete surface.
For the strength gain of concrete moisture from the concrete body is retained from evaporation, water curing methods are;
- Ponding
- Wet coverings
- Fogging and sprinkling
in floor slabs, this method is adopted. On slabs, small ponds are created and filled with water continuously for 24 days
![Curing of Concrete - Its 3 [Methods & Procedures] 2 curing of concrete by Ponding](
Wet covering
for columns, footing, and bottom surface of a slab, this method is adopted. Wet or gunny bags are used to cover the concrete to keep concrete moist.
![Curing of Concrete - Its 3 [Methods & Procedures] 3 curing of concrete by Wet covering](
Fogging or Sprinkling;
this method is the simplest, like spraying the water from sprinklers on a concrete surface but more time-consuming.
![Curing of Concrete - Its 3 [Methods & Procedures] 4 curing of concrete by Fogging or Sprinkling](
Membrane Curing Of Concrete:
For moisture loss from the concrete surface, by wrapping it with an impermeable membrane, the membrane curing method is applied or adopted, and the curing compounds are wax and water-based liquid and to create an impermeable membrane, these are sprayed over fresh concrete. This will reduce the loss of wetness from concrete.
The methods for membrane curing are;
- Plastic sheeting
- Formwork
Plastic sheeting;
plastic film is used as a moisture barrier for curing concrete, and to cure concrete by retaining moisture and heat on concrete polyethylene sheeting is an effective way.
formwork should be left for a long time because it helps in the Curing of concrete.
Steam Curing:
For quick strength achievement, steam curing is used, and steam curing keeps the surface moist and raises the concrete temperature. This process is done because of the fast hardening of concrete and mortars. For pre-cast concrete plants, this method is most commonly used.
Why Is Curing Of Concrete Required?
For the following reasons curing of concrete or cement concrete is required.
- To prevent concrete from drying out prematurely due to wind and solar radiation, this prevents plastic shrinkage of concrete.
- Allowing the hydration process to maintain the concrete temperature releases heat and requires water to carry on.
- bond with internal materials and reinforcement and hardening
- Helps in the development of crack-free concrete.
Curing Of Concrete Depends On:
The right time of Curing of concrete depends upon the following factors;
Initial Curing: (Bleeding Of Concrete)
When the concrete is compacted and placed and settlement of concrete, bleeding of water occurs and rises through the surface of the concrete.
The rate of bleeding depends upon many factors such as concrete mix properties, method of compaction of concrete and depth or thickness of concrete, etc.
Bleed water stars evaporate from the surface, and the drying of concrete started when all bleeding water disappeared from the surface. Then to minimize the moisture loss and prevent plastic shrinkage cracks to the concrete before and during finishing operations, the initial Curing of concrete is required. This is done by fogging or using evaporation reducers.
Intermediate Curing Of concrete:
Before the final set of concrete intermediate Curing is done when the concrete surface finishing operations have been carried out. When the concrete setting is delayed or when the required surface texture of concrete members is achieved rapidly, this happens.
Final Curing:
After the final set of concrete, when the concrete is finished, the final Curing of concrete should be done. This final Curing of concrete helps prevent surface drying of concrete because the loss of moisture from the concrete surface occurs.
Points To Keep In Mind When Curing:
There are the following points that are important to remember when curing concrete such as;
- After the concrete has been placed, start curing as soon as possible.
- Concrete needs moisture for proper Curing.
- In hot weather, the Curing of concrete may be dry faster than the chemicals stop right when concrete loses its moisture.
- The best curing temperature is 23 centigrade.
- For at least seven days, cure the concrete.